651 research outputs found

    Constipação Intestinal: Abordagem Medicamentosa e não Medicamentosa

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    Constipation is a prevalent condition in both adults and children. The clinical criteria for treatment are well established, and different non-drug approaches (fiber, hydration, physical activity, regular bowel habits, biofeedback, botulinum toxin injection, surgery) and medication (laxatives and purgatives) have been proposed to intervene in problem. However, supported by the media, in purely commercial character and sometimes improperly sustained medical advice, even with little demonstrated efficacy and safety in controlled studies, the use of laxatives persists as a treatment of constipation. Laxatives and purgatives may be needed within a pre - operative preparation for radiological and endoscopic procedures, among other reasons, and exceptionally, under medical supervision, as initial adjuvant in the treatment of constipation

    A Platform-Based Software Design Methodology for Embedded Control Systems: An Agile Toolkit

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    A discrete control system, with stringent hardware constraints, is effectively an embedded real-time system and hence requires a rigorous methodology to develop the software involved. The development methodology proposed in this paper adapts agile principles and patterns to support the building of embedded control systems, focusing on the issues relating to a system's constraints and safety. Strong unit testing, to ensure correctness, including the satisfaction of timing constraints, is the foundation of the proposed methodology. A platform-based design approach is used to balance costs and time-to-market in relation to performance and functionality constraints. It is concluded that the proposed methodology significantly reduces design time and costs, as well as leading to better software modularity and reliability

    Mapear as competências técnicas necessárias às equipes operacionais para a área de segurança : estudo de caso da Diretoria de Segurança da Universidade de Brasília DISEG/PRC/UnB.

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Planaltina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão Pública, 2020.O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear as competências técnicas operacionais necessárias às equipes de segurança dos servidores lotados na Diretoria de Segurança, departamento vinculado à Prefeitura do Campus da Universidade de Brasília (DISEG/PRC/UnB), onde foram consideradas, quais eram as mais importantes e a percepção de domínio que estes servidores julgam possuir na dimensão de Conhecimento, Habilidade e Atitude (CHAs), através de uma auto avaliação, onde foram classificadas 41 (quarenta e uma) competências em variáveis extraídas de documentos oficiais e da realização de um grupo focal com especialistas da área de segurança. O lócus da pesquisa foi a Diretoria de Segurança (DISEG/PRC/UnB) por meio de um estudo de caso. Para analisar as competências utilizou-se de Análise Fatorial e Análise de Clusters. Os resultados indicaram que a Análise Fatorial pode ser um instrumento eficaz para a redução de variáveis, sem comprometer a qualidade da pesquisa. O trabalho conclui que que os servidores possuem domínio mediano em relação as competências requeridas para o desempenho de seu papel ocupacional. Deste modo, as competências estão alinhadas com aquelas necessárias ao desempenho da atividade operacional. Recomenda-se que a Universidade de Brasília (UnB) promova esforços no sentido de gerar ações de capacitação, por meio de treinamento ou cursos, para suprir as lacunas observadas.The objective of this work was to map the operational technical competences necessary to the security teams of servers allocated to the Security Directorate, a department linked to the City Hall of the University of Brasília Campus (DISEG / PRC / UnB), where they were considered, which were the most important and the perception of domain that these servers believe to have in the dimension of Knowledge, Skill and Attitude (CHAs), through a self-assessment, where 41 (forty-one) competencies were classified into variables extracted from official documents and the realization of a group focal with security experts. The focus of the research was the Security Directorate (DISEG / PRC / UnB) through a case study. To analyze the competences, Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis were used. The results indicated that Factor Analysis can be an effective tool for reducing variables, without compromising the quality of the research. The work concludes that the servers have average domain in relation to the competencies required to perform their occupational role. In this way, the competencies are aligned with those necessary for the performance of the operational activity. It is recommended that the University of Brasília (UnB) promote efforts to generate capacity building actions, through training or courses, to fill the observed gaps

    Análise SWOT na perspectiva do cliente de empresa de serviço

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    SWOT analysis is a strategic planning analysis tool that assists in identifying the internal environment (strengths and weaknesses) and external environment (opportunities and threats) in order to provide survival, maintenance, growth and development of the company. In this context, the present study aimed to analyze a company based on its SWOT analysis. The company analyzed was a swimming school, with children and adults as public. In the collection of the data, a questionnaire structured in: internal aspects (attendance, physical aspects, swimming pools and administrative) and external aspects (other items) was applied to the clients. A descriptive analysis of the results was carried out and the Wilcoxon test was used to validate the hypotheses. In the view of users, the company has more strengths than weak ones, and its opportunities are greater than threats. The work contributes to a different look at the use of SWOT analysis. Keywords: SWOT. Strategic planning. Tourism.El análisis SWOT es una herramienta de análisis de la planificación estratégica, que ayuda a identificar el entorno interno (fortalezas y debilidades) y externo (oportunidades y amenazas), con el fin de facilitar la supervivencia, mantenimiento, crecimiento y desarrollo de la empresa. En este contexto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar una empresa a través del prisma de sus clientes, a partir del análisis SWOT. La empresa analizada era una escuela de natación, dirigida a niños y adultos. Durante la recogida de datos, se aplicó a los clientes un cuestionario estructurado en: aspectos internos (servicios, aspectos físicos, piscinas y administrativos) y aspectos externos (otros ítems). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los resultados, seguido de la prueba de Wilcoxon para validar las hipótesis. En opinión de los usuarios, la empresa tiene más fortalezas que debilidades y sus oportunidades son mayores que sus amenazas. El trabajo contribuye a una mirada diferente al uso del análisis SWOT.A análise SWOT é uma ferramenta de análise do planejamento estratégico, que auxilia na identificação do ambiente interno (pontos fortes e fracos) e ambiente externo (oportunidades e ameaças), com o intuito de proporcionar a sobrevivência, manutenção, crescimento e desenvolvimento da empresa. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo objetivou analisar uma empresa pelo prisma de seus clientes, a partir da análise de SWOT. A empresa analisada foi uma escola de natação, tendo como público crianças e adultos. Na coleta dos dados foi aplicado aos clientes um questionário estruturado em: aspectos internos (atendimentos, aspectos físicos, piscinas e administrativo) e aspectos externos (outros itens). Realizou-se análise descritiva dos resultados e na sequência o teste de Wilcoxon para validação das hipóteses. Na visão dos usuários, a empresa tem mais pontos fortes do que fracos e, suas oportunidades são maiores do que as ameaças. O trabalho contribui por um olhar diferenciado da utilização da análise de SWOT. Palavras-chave: SWOT. Planejamento Estratégico. Turismo

    La aplicación de la alteración de estado emocional en el rendimiento deportivo

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    This monograph has as its central objective the presentation of the fundamentals of  methodology that proves how the applied use of several areas, such as: Psychoanalysis together with Philosophy and Educational Psychology (Sigmund Freud and Skinner) in the scope of the variants of learning schools and of Physiology and sports Psychology (Bradford Cannon, Pilay and Dweck), provides above-average results for athletes who have gone through the sessions and been guided through the foundations of this research and its broad adaptive educational model. Therefore, the comparison in performance evolution in the context of football, from the analysis of athletes who live with a high level of daily pressure and, consequently, irregularities in the performance aspect. Therefore, the possibility of a multidisciplinary connection between different areas and scientific research helps athletes in their maintenance and increase in their sports performance based on a fortified mentality.Esta monografía tiene como objetivo central la presentación de las bases de la metodología que prueba el uso aplicado de varias áreas, tales como: La Psicoanálisis junto con la Filosofía y la Psicología de la Educación (Sigmund Freud y Skinner) en el ámbito de las variantes de las escuelas de aprendizaje. y de Fisiología y Psicología (Bradford Cannon, Pilay y Dweck), generan resultados por encima del promedio para los atletas que pasaron por las sesiones y fueron guiados a través de las bases de esta investigación y su amplio modelo educativo adaptativo. Por tanto, la comparación en la evolución del rendimiento en el contexto del fútbol, ​​a partir del análisis de deportistas que viven con un alto nivel de presión diaria y, en consecuencia, irregularidades en el aspecto rendimiento. Por tanto, la posibilidad de la conexión multidisciplinar entre distintas áreas y la investigación científica ayuda a los deportistas a mantener y aumentar su rendimiento deportivo a partir de una mentalidad fortalecida

    ODE: ontology-based software development environment

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    Software tools processing partially common set of data should share an understanding of what these data mean. Since ontologies have been used to express formally a shared understanding of information, we argue that they can be used to improve integration in Software Engineering Environments (SEE). In this paper we discuss an ontology-based approach to improve tool integration and present ODE, an ontology-based SEE.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (ISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Competency management : analysis of Brazilian studies between 2008 and 2018

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    O artigo analisa a produção bibliográfica publicada nos últimos 10 anos acerca da gestão por competências no setor público. Para esse trabalho os artigos foram selecionados na base de dados da CAPES por englobar inúmeras bases de dados. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática sobre a gestão de competências na administração pública entre 2008 e 2018. Para tanto, estamos considerando apenas trabalhos com Qualis /CAPES de A1 a B2 da base de dados da CAPES. Após aplicação dos filtros restaram nove artigos a serem analisados em profundidade. A partir dos artigos selecionados, foi possível perceber que as organizações estudadas não apresentam de forma objetiva e clara as estratégias organizacionais, o que seria fundamental para que essas organizações pudessem conhecer quais as necessárias competências para à consecução dos objetivos estratégicos institucionais, e a partir desse ponto, mapear as competências e desenvolver estratégias para sanar os possíveis gaps existentes.The article analyzes the bibliographic production published in the last 10 years about management by competencies in the public sector. For this work, the articles were selected from the CAPES database as they encompass numerous databases. A systematic review of competence management in public administration was carried out between 2008 and 2018. For this purpose, we are considering only works with Qualis / CAPES from A1 to B2 from the CAPES database. After applying the filters, nine articles remained to be analyzed in depth. From the selected articles, it was possible to perceive that the studied organizations do not present the organizational strategies in an objective and clear way, which would be fundamental so that these organizations could know what are the necessary competencies to achieve the institutional strategic objectives, and from that point, map the skills and develop strategies to remedy the existing gaps

    The Inhibitive Effect of Sebacate-Modified LDH on Concrete Steel Reinforcement Corrosion

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    In recent decades, layered double hydroxides (LDH) have been proposed as innovative corrosion inhibitors for reinforced concrete. Their protective action is based on the ability to intercalate specific anions in the interlayer and on their ability to exchange the intercalated anion. In the present study, an organically charged LDH, with sebacate anions in the interlayer (LDH-S), is proposed as a water-repellent additive for mortar. The waterproofing efficiency of LDH-S and the associated corrosion inhibition ability has been evaluated in reinforced mortar samples. A 42% decrease in the water capillary absorption coefficient has been estimated when 3% LHD-S is added to a mortar. Both the passivation processes of the steel rebars during the curing period and the initiation of corrosion due to chloride exposure have been studied by electrochemical measurements. Three different mortars have been evaluated: reference mortar (REF), mortar with Mg-Al LDH (LDH), and mortar with LDH-sebacate (LDH-S). The latter has shown an important protective capacity for preventing the initiation of corrosion by chloride penetration, with an inhibitory efficiency of 74%. The presence of LDHs without sebacate in the interlayer also improved the performance of the mortar against rebar corrosion, but with lower efficiency (23% inhibitory efficiency). However, this protection is lost after continued chloride exposure over time, and corrosion initiates similarly to the reference mortar. The low corrosion current density values registered when LDH-S is added to the mortar may be related to the increased electrical resistance recorded in this mortar


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    Este artigo visa analisar e discutir a produção acadêmico-científica sobre a EFI e a EJA em periódicos nacionais, Dissertações de Mestrado e Teses de Doutorado. A revisão sobre o estado da arte da referida temática foi realizada no portal de periódicos e no banco de teses da CAPES. Foram realizadas buscas nas áreas da Educação e Educação Física. O baixo número de estudos encontrados (12) revela que a temática ainda necessita de uma maior problematização. Entendemos que a EFI na EJA deve preocupar-se em auxiliar no processo de emancipação do aluno, através do desenvolvimento da sua conscientização, autonomia e criticidade